Oracle R Enterprise Essentials


This Oracle R Enterprise Essentials training will teach you how to leverage the Oracle Database as a high performance computing platform from the powerful R statistical programming language and environment. Overcome the memory limitations of the open source client R engine. Prepare data, perform statistical analysis, and build predictive models on Big Data data sets that are generally impossible with open source R. Generate graphics and invoke R scripts from SQL for integration with the Oracle stack!

Формат проведения



16 академических часов




Базы данных

Вы научитесь

  • Start up R, load ORE, and connect to Oracle Database
  • Apply R Language Basics
  • Use the ORE Transparency Layer
  • Use ORE for embedded R execution
  • Use ORE predictive analytics packages
  • Interact directly with Oracle Database objects using ROracle

Аудитория курса

  • Data Scientist
  • Statistician

Требования к предварительной подготовке слушателя

  • Experience with statistics or R programming experience
Suggested Prerequisites
  • Oracle Database 11g: Data Mining Techniques

Содержание курса

Introducing Oracle R Enterprise
Using R: What, Who, and Why? R User Interfaces. Oracle’s Strategy for R.

Getting Started with ORE
Prerequisites for Using ORE. Starting R and Loading ORE. Basic Database Interaction with ORE.

Introducing the R Language and Environment
Accessing R Help. R language basics. Debugging with R.

Producing Graphs in R and ORE
R Graph Types. R Graphics Packages. Overloaded Functions for ORE.

Using the ORE Transparency Layer - Part 1
Introducing the Transparency Layer. Working with Oracle Database. ORE Packages, Classes, and Functions. Common Data Transformations and Data Type Mapping.

Using the ORE Transparency Layer - Part 2
Object Persistence. Ordering Framework. In-database Sampling and Random Partitioning. Case Study Examination.

ORE Embedded R Execution - R Interface
Rationale for Embedded R Execution. Embedded R Execution. Connecting to Databases from an Embedded R Function. Generating Graphs within an Embedded R Function. 

ORE Embedded R Execution - SQL Interface
Embedded R Execution. Using R Scripts in the Database Repository. Generating Output Using rq*Eval Functions. Parallel Execution for Embedded R Scripts.

Using ORE Predictive Analytics - Part 1
Using Functions in the OREdm Package. Using Functions in the OREmodels Package.

Using ORE Predictive Analytics - Part 2
Scoring data within R models in the database. Preparing Time Series Data. Exponential Smoothing for Time Series Data Predictions. 

Using ROracle for Direct Database Access
What is ROracle? Authentication. Table Access Methods. Query Execution. Rollback.

Oracle R Enterprise Essentials
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44 700 ₽
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